Saturday, April 14, 2007

Romancing the california stud-muffin, part I

The view from my cabin balcony, very early in the morning...

We had met the night before. As usual, I was dancing up a storm on the dance floor, and quite happy to get up, boogie, bump and grind with anyone who would be willing to follow my crazy rythms. After a few songs, I got thirsty, walked over to my table, where my drink was waiting for me. I gulfed it down and walked straight back to the dance floor, ready for more. As I was making my way through the crowd, I heard a voice from behind say "Can I dance with you?" I didn't even know where the voice came from. I didn't even turn around. "Sure! Come and join me on the dance floor."
I made it to the centre of the dance floor, and turned around to face my dancing partner. He was younger, (well only a few years, love) very cute, something hispanic about him, love the messed-up hair, great smile, and he was very, very turned on. Perfect! I thought. Un ptit tour de manège? Pourquoi pas. On the dance floor, we went a bit crazy, and I have to admit, my bumping & grinding was a bit over the top, but hey, nobody was complaining, and give me a break, I was on vacation. It's my god-given right.
After a few songs, I took him by the hand back to the table, he got me a drink (in my case a bottle of water) and got himself one. He was looking at me a bit googly-eyed, in complete awe; I thought he was adorable. I could have just made one bite out of him. But then again, he was sooo drunk. He will be of no use to me, I thought. Damn.
Me, drawing conclusions, yet smiling
-Thanks for the dance...I'm tired. I think I'll go back to my cabin.
Him, a bit panicked and eager
-Already? Now? Can I take you?
Me, laughing and looking straight at him're too'll be of no use to me...Let's see each other tomorrow, when you'll be sobered up...
Him, quickly regaining conscience
-I'm not drunk! I'm OK! See, I'm fine! I didn't have that many drinks!
Ok, I thought. He's cute. Ladies, this one's mine.
Me, in a cheeky tone, ackowledging the fact that a) he's horny as hell and b) I'm getting there.
-OK then. You can walk me back. But I am not sleeping with you! You are just taking me to my cabin, OK? You promise to behave? You will be a good boy?
Him, willing to say anything to take me back to my cabin
-OK, sure. I promise. Yes.
We made it to the cabin, giggling, flirting outrageously, and of course, taking advantage of stopped elevators to kiss. We stopped in front of the cabin door, and waited for a ship employee to pass us before kissing goodnight.
Him, being the good boy I asked him to be
-Well, good night...
Me, smiling, and taking him by the hand whilst opening my cabin door
-I'm sure it will be...
Me, enjoying every second
-Come on, sweetie, it's tomorrow already!
And the cabin door closes on part I; stay tuned for our next episode. :)

2 people had something to say:

Blue said...

Tiens tiens tiens... La croisière s'est bien amusée, on dirait!

Bridges said...

Euh....oui, pas pire, en effet!!! En fait ça se rapproche pas mal de l'éclatement plus ou moins total, et puis, la marche est haute pour revenir à la normale...en d'autres mots, j'ai le "blues" des vacances!!!