From: Bridges L.
Sent: June 5, 2007 11:09 AM
To: Mr. Kopinski
Sent: June 5, 2007 11:09 AM
To: Mr. Kopinski
Subject: A Tuesday morning's random thought
Mr. Kopinski,
Mr. Kopinski,
I would like to thank you for taking to heart the musical upbringing of your employees. I think it is really swell that employees can have music lessons and learn to play an instrument, like the violin, right here in the office lunchroom, on Tuesdays from 9 to 12. I think it is really brave of you to let governmental translators manipulate the bow in such wanton disregard.
Sometimes, hearing violins play symbolizes peace, joy, happiness and sheer communion with all things beautiful in the world.
For me, on Tuesday mornings, it means 2 extra strength Tylenol caplets and ear plugs.
Hopefully this will turn into a beautiful concerto in the honor of Kopinski Translation & co. employees who suffered this painful hardship at the Christmas party!!!
Good day sir,
Bridges L.
2 people had something to say:
Kessé? T'aimes pas le yoga par le rire? :D
HAHAHAHA! Je te jure on en a besoin après les cours de musique du mardi matin....breathe in...HAHAHAHA breathe out HOHOHOHO My God I feel better already!!!
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