Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Heard in the head reviser's office

Me, trying to get the head reviser's attention

Hello....sorry to disturb you, it's just, I noticed a few wrongful corrections that were done to my texts lately...

The head reviser, mumbling and still head deep in her documents


Me, trying to go quickly because it's March and I'm quite surprised that she's actually acknowledging me

Well, in English, you can say "so-and-so's BIO...when you give a little resume of their work... the real term for this in French is "Notice biographique", and the revisers keep on changing it to "biographie", which is something completely different, as is, somebody's biography, a book, a big thick book, you know? Perhaps just a quick note to revisers would correct the problem.

The head reviser, intrigued

Hum. I see. (pondering)

Me, patiently waiting for an acknowledgement

It's in the dictionary, you know. It's basic French.

The head reviser, wanting to get this over with quickly

I wouldn't worry about that. Nobody will know the difference anyway.

Me, a bit shocked


Note to self : What's translation all about then, damn it!!! And I've been wasting all this time trying to find the right word??? How do you say "Ah pis mangez toute d'la marde", in English???

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