Thursday, March 22, 2007

Follow-up on the Single gourmet adventure(s)

Am I the only woman who noticed?

I've been to a few of these single events now, wheter it's with this one, or speed-dating, or meet-market, I've been there, I've done it, and I have to say...Sorry guys, but you kinda suck compared to the girls!

The women I have seen in these events, first off, outnumber the men. The women are pretty, intelligent, witty, funny, have their shit together, many of them are single mothers, they have their own careers, they have their own houses, they have master's degrees and doctorates, to put it lightly, they basically ROCK and they're out on the prowl, looking for potential mates. But of course, with all these qualifications, they're quite picky. And they're allowed to. But they are faced with these guys. Look around. girls. Please tell me I'm wrong. Please. I beg you.

The men who go to these events, on the other hand, are a whole other story. Most of them seem scared, uncomfortable, shy, socially challenged and the majority come off as being a bit needy. (Well what did you expect Bridges! It's a SINGLE'S meetup!! er....helloooooo!!!!) OR, they are desperatly in need of a serious makeover. Here's an idea for Ottawa business people : Makeovers for guys! Transform an IT geek into a charming and sophisticated attractive bachelor! Get him some decent clothes! Give him a haircut! Please, please, get him some new shoes! and some fashion lessons...

1- Do not wear a baseball cap if you're over 22. EVER.
2- Do not wear white socks, except at the gym. EVER.
3- Buy the girl a drink, will ya? Sorry pal, but you'll never get laid if you don't provide the booze. Old fashioned, I know, but it's the truth. (I know, the truth hurts.)
4- Don't entertain two university graduate women with the stories of your collection of TV shows from the 60's and 70's and try to impress them by knowing all the names of the B actors who played so-and-so's character - It doesn't quite work. (It didn't work for me or fact, it kind of creeped us out.)
5- Women usually don't bite (see #3) so it's OK to ask for a phone number at the end of the evening!

I did have a good time last Saturday, and tonight as well. However, gentlemen, we women have got it going on, and you guys are struggling to catch up.

Catch up to speed already, will ya?

(er...Bridges...when was the last time you had nookie? Just saying.)

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