I will be boarding the magnificent Carnival Legend from Fort Lauderdale port, Florida on April 1st for 8 fun-filled days in the Caribbean sea...ahhh....St. Kitts, St. Lucia and St. Martin will be on the menu, as well as about 250 singles from all over the world! If you want to check it out, click here, and perhaps you can organize your own little trip!
I've never been on a cruise before, so this will be a first for me. I'm leaving tonight for Montreal, and will be hopping on a flight to sunny Fort Lauderdale on Saturday morning, for one day of Luxury at a posh Ft. Lauderdale hotel & spa, thank you very much, to make myself even more relaxed and beautiful before boarding for party central...ah....now that, my friends, is the life. La dolce vita, just like it should be :)
Pour les lecteurs des aventures de Christophe & de Sophie, je vous laisserai un autre passage avant de quitter, histoire de vous divertir pendant mon absence!
Oh, and one little thing before I leave...you know how funny coincidences happen when you're not expecting them? I have told you before about my heartbreak over the British dude that left me stranded here in Ottawa, you know, the one me & my friends affectionately call Mr. Fuckface....well, he's been living in Nottingham for a year now, and sometimes, not very often, I hear from him, to realise that no, he's not better, and that yes, looking back, it's probably best that he, to put it lightly, buggered off. Case closed. Now for the funny coincidence.
As a woman who likes to keep up with international issues, I sometimes read the Guardian newspaper on line. And of course, given my profound love of English men, had to put up a profile in the "soulmates" section of the paper, just to see, you know, what's out there. I did that in January, and forgot about it. I wasn't planning to go to England soon at the time. A few days ago, I received an email from the site saying that somebody had sent me a message, and I have to say, I was curious. It was from a 33 year old man from Nottingham, but, no picture was available to be seen... Of course, Mr. Fuckface IS 33 and lives in Nottingham, so....I figured...that's probably him, right?
It was simply a very sweet, charming and courteous English illustrator who fancied my profile for some reason and felt compelled to reach out to yours truly. We did have a very short conversation over MSN and exchanged emails...Perhaps we will keep in touch, who knows, stranger things have happened, at least in my lifetime! He seems to be a very interesting individual, he has the most amazing jaw-dropping eyes I have ever seen on a profile picture, and he is an accomplished artist....what can I say... (Bridges sighing and batting her eyes) courteous, charming, British, artistically inclined and gorgeous eyes? Perhaps I should steer the boat towards the UK??? Now this, ladies and gentlemen, is material for a romance novel that would make all Canadian girls swoon. I'll get started. :) A cruise is a great setup to write a romance novel, no??? Hasn't this been done before? Wait....
The Love boat....soon will be making another run....
The love boat....
promises something for everyone....
That's a great idea! Could make a great TV show!!!! ;)
I'm heading out, things to pack, places to go, people to meet....will come back with follow-ups on April 11th! (Or maybe sooner given there are computers on the Love boat!)
Cheers, speak soon!
(Bridges, waving her handkerchief from the deck!)
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