Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kopinski corporate memos

From: Mr. Kopinski, HR
Sent: July 2, 2007 10:04 AM
To: Mrs. Kopinski, president
cc: Kopinski Translation & co. office
Subject: Odd incident regarding Agatha that took place in mid-June
Dear Mrs, (Since you don't like me calling you honeybunny in our workplace communications my love)

You always tell me that I don't keep you up to date with all the human resources mishaps that unfold in our workplace; further to your request, and since you are the boss after all, here is a recap of our little daily drama here at Kopinski translation. Monique, head of the control centre,(and queen of the trouble-maker tattle-tales, for that matter, what a whiner she is) came to me today and related an incident regarding Agatha that took place in mid-June. Apparently, she was in the habit of changing at the end of the day in her office which is shared by a colleague – Dick (male). Simone actually witnessed this occurrence because she opened the office door and witnessed Agatha standing there in her panties and about to put on her bike shorts (she bikes to work in the summer). Dick's back was towards her. Simone expressed surprise and closed the door. Later, Dick came to Simone and told her that he was very uncomfortable with what Agatha was doing, as he was a devout family man and did not want to be tainted with any air of impropriety. (I am relating the exact words here - nothing even happened for crisse's sake, he didn't even see her from what I know - He said he knew she was doing something behind his back, but he did not turn around and was not sure of it. I called Simone into my office and she confirmed the story. Any ideas to how we should handle this my luv?


Mr. Kopinski, Human resources

From: Mr. Kopinski
Sent: July 2, 2007 10:24 AM
To: Kopinski translation & co. office
Subject: Erroneous message sent

Please do not read the message you received entitled "Odd incident" and delete it from your mailbox. It was mistakenly sent to everybody and was meant to be a private message to the president of the company and deals with private human resources matter.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Mr. Kopinski, Human resources

From: Agatha B., reviser
Sent: July 2, 2007 11:03 AM
To: Kopinski Translation & co. office
Subject: Panties in the workplace

Since this is now a public matter, I would like to set everybody straight on my supposedly flashing my panties to my colleague whilst putting on my bike shorts... please note that I usually don't wear any, therefore this incident could not have happened. What happened is Simone nosily entered my office while I was putting a skirt OVER my bike shorts to go and get a cup of coffee in the office kitchen so I could take them off in the following minutes, and that, in the office loos, behind closed door panels. Now, since it is obvious that my office colleague is officially a goody-goody easily-offended twat and that our control centre personnel are conniving snitch-bitches, I am now looking for a new office partner while I look for another "decent" job.
Gotta love those cc's email to all buttons.
Good day everyone,

Agatha B. reviser

1 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. Thanks for the attention, bye). Até mais.