Friday, January 12, 2007

Looking for nookie in Ottawa : Bridges back on the (dating) field without a helmet

I am a bit disturbed for tonight. (I am a bit disturbed PERIOD, but please, let's focus on this post, shall we?) See, I am a woman who hasn't dated in a while. I have been out almost every week, don't get me wrong; a woman has to stay social if she wants to remain psychologically sane (so to speak). But an official date? It's been a while. Thing is, I'm not even sure if I like the guy. In fact, I think I let myself get dragged into something I was a bit reluctant to do in the first place. But he did ask for my number last week, I did give it to him, and yes, he did call me and asked me if I would like to see him. I Was I excited? Happy? Not bothered? The last option would be more likely. But then, if I'm not bothered, then why should I agree to meet him? Surely I can find better things to do on a Friday night! Come on! This is Ottawa! Land of the conservative tight-ass and early nights! Don't listen to me...But please, try if you must to cheer me up. You see folks, this Bridges is getting very, very weary and lonely, and if she wants to try and get some, as they say, she's gonna have to make the effort to break the January ice and put a little, make that a lot (what the hell - give me the whole jug) of water in her wine.

Waiter! Can I have the Bridges special please - Evian and Chardonnay...yes, the Australian one darling, and make that fast, I'm about to change my mind again...

It is now late afternoon, I am still at the office, trans-trans-translating away, and I am supposed to meet Mr.United Nations diplomat @ 8 h 30. I'm not nervous nor excited - this guy is not even 5'8 and my hormones usually don't start kicking before 5'12, but not to worry. At least it's a story to tell you about.

A girl has to start somewhere. Wish me luck.

1 people had something to say:

Bridges said...

Thank you, #0...and welcome to my wnderful world of in-betweens. :) I'll keep you posted...Stay tuned tomorrow!