Monday, December 11, 2006

A little more on this blog....

People have started to read me!

Although I wanted to, now I feel very self-conscious! I apologize for the texts that are not completely "ready".... but I will be posting them again after I have rewritten a few, in between these little "personal" tidbits....I am working on my French texts at the moment, and at the request of my teacher, I have to set them up in a more "formal" manner, so that's what I'm up to lately.

I have started to meet with some writers in Ottawa, to keep me busy, and motivated. It's always nice to chat with some know you're not the only fucked-up individual who writes to fill the void and emptiness of existence.... the poetess in me suffers... :) I presented the text "Tumbling down the family tree", that you can read below, and the comments I got were pretty positive, although I do agree with Y. who said some of the genealogy was a bit confusing, and I had to correct some of my mistakes...Yes, I do make mistakes... Feel free to leave a comment on my stories anytime by the way....

Office Christmas party tomorrow.... Surely I can make a story out of that!

1 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

well.. it's like I thought!